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Use this curated collection of images from The Graded Motor Imagery Handbook and team with other media packs in the series such as the Explain Pain Media Pack and other GMI and Explain Pain products and resources developed by Noigroup Publications, David Butler and Lorimer Moseley. Whether it’s a one-on-one appointment, a group session or a telehealth consultation, using genuine images from the original publisher will assist greatly in guiding your patients to recovery.
It is strongly advised for patients to have their own GMI tools to use both with their guiding clinician and on their own, such as the Recognise App, Mirror Box and Flash Cards. The GMI website will provide you information and evidence, and Explain Pain Supercharged will provide further from the authors about the best strategies for providing Explain Pain education to clinicians and those in pain.
Includes images from pages: 7, 21, 31, 36, 53, 71, 78, 91, 112, 114-115, 117 and 119, plus 7 x A4 size GMI posters. Further images on request.
© NOI. Not for unauthorised reproduction.
The content of this media pack is covered by international copyright laws and the usual copyright applies. Material in this media pack is not intended for sharing electronically or copying. For use in telehealth sessions or PowerPoint slides for online education sessions, please ensure:
– NOI copyright notice above is always included and visible wherever it is used
– Sharing of the material is limited to use within the telehealth or educational session.
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