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Therapeutic Toblerone

By David Butler Education for all 19 Aug 2016

I used to have a practice in Adelaide about 20 years ago with my friend Helen Slater. Now that I think about it, Helen was well  ahead of me in the pain game. Helen loved chocolate but especially Toblerone chocolate – “Tobbies” we called them and Helen always had a draw full. One day I overhead her using a Tobby therapeutically with a patient on a graded exposure programme, it went something like this…

[vimeo 179428904 w=640 h=360]

I used this metaphor for a patient last week to explain that ‘you might flare up….but don’t freak out if you do’.  I didn’t think much about it, but yesterday when she returned she said,

“That Toblerone story really helped – I understand now that of course there will be ups and downs, and even a flare up, but it isn’t too bad at all if you know what to do about it – you could even eat it!”

– David Butler


Last chance to get on an Australian Explain Pain or Graded Motor Imagery Course for 2016

Gold Coast 30 September – 2 October Explain Pain and Graded Motor Imagery (Close to full, remaining tickets selling fast)

Perth 15 – 17 October Explain Pain and Graded Motor Imagery


EP3 events have sold out three years running in Australia, and we are super excited to be bringing this unique format to the United States in late 2016 with Lorimer Moseley, Mark Jensen, David Butler, and few NOI surprises.

EP3 EAST Philadelphia, December 2, 3, 4 2016

EP3 WEST Seattle, December 9, 10, 11 2016

To register your interest, contact NOI USA:

p (610) 664-4465



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