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Noobs needed

By Noigroup HQ Science and the world 16 Mar 2017

Yasmin Medalian is an Honours Student over at Body in Mind, and under the supervision of Lorimer Moseley and Emma Karran she is asking a really important, and clinically relevant questions:

“Does the reporting style of radiology scans influence a person’s thoughts about how safe it is to be active, following an episode of low back pain”

The thing is, Yasmin and co need people out there in the world that haven’t been exposed to the up to date, cutting edge pain science served up on a regular basis by NOIjam and Body in Mind… They need pain science noobs.

Here’s how Lorimer described it to us

In short, we need YOUR friends and family and contacts who are naive to what we do here in Body in Mind to help us do a really groovy experiment. The experiment involves participants IMAGINING that they have had an episode of back pain and then channeling through a range of different scenarios. We want to see how the scenarios affect their decisions about getting active.

The design is a bit complicated so we need 400 people to take part but we need them to NOT be readers of Body in Mind or similar material – we want people who are representative of the general public. 

So, could you please ask your friends, family, neighbours, relations, colleagues to help us out?  We would be very grateful indeed and you would know you are contributing to science!

Yasmin is really close to getting the numbers required for the study, but needs a big final push to get over the line.

You can help.

Share this link with as many people who don’t know anything about pains science (yet) as you can:

Yasmin will thank you, we’ll thank you, and people who don’t have to be unnecessarily freaked out by radiology reports in the future, will also thank you.

-NOIgroup team


Melbourne, 31 March – 2 April EP + GMI SOLD OUT
, 26-28 May EP + GMI
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  1. Urvashi

    Surely can help.. does it matter if they live in Australia or any other country is ok ?

    1. Hey Urvashi,

      No, you don’t have to be in Australia, the link should work via the internet in other countries too! 🙂

  2. bartvanbuchem0noi

    The experiment would be even more groovy when it is done on clinicians/ therapists 🤓

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