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USA – Continuing Education Units (CEU)

NOIGroup is a licensed CE Sponsor of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (#216.000398), a rule-approved provider of the Florida Board of Physical Therapy (#50-46422), an approved provider of the Oklahoma Medical Board – Physical Therapy (50-46422), a recognized sponsor of continuing education for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants of the New York Board of Physical Therapy, and an approved provider of continuing education for Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants in California (CA) by Redefine Health Education, a recognized approval agency of the Physical Therapy Board of CA. NOIGroup courses are approved by the APTA Arkansas.
Courses approved by other state boards in the following jurisdictions are likely accepted for licensure credit based on the state regulation.

AL | AK | AR | CO | CT | DE | GA | HI | ID | IN | IA | KS | KY | ME | MA | MI | MO | MT | NE | NH | NC | ND | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | UT | VT | VA | VI | WA | WI | WY

Courses approved by other APTA chapters in the following jurisdictions are likely accepted for licensure credit based on the state regulation.

AZ | DC | MD | MS | NM

Please reach out to your state licensing board to confirm the currency and accuracy of this information. If you have a specific question about CEU approval for this course in your state, please direct your inquiry to

The following states are not pre-approved: LA, MN, NV, NJ, OH, TX, WV

Participants licensed in states not pre-approved may file for individual approval using the instructions on this document:

Explain Pain courses

This course (online & face-to-face) is approved for 13.25 Contact Hours

Bodily Relearning course

This course is approved for 14.25 Contact Hours

Graded Motor Imagery 2-day courses

This course is approved for 13.25 Contact Hours

Graded Motor Imagery 1-day courses

This course is approved for 6.75 Contact Hours

Mobilization of the Neuroimmune System courses

This course is approved for 14.25 Contact Hours 

Explain Pain Application: clinical discussion

This course is approved credit for 8.5 Contact Hours

Jurisdictions included in the RHE certificate program click here:



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