Course host instructions
How to submit a new course for review
New hosts: NOI staff will need to first create an account for you with host level access
Existing customer but new to hosting: NOI staff will upgrade your account to host level access
Existing hosts: Use your existing username and password to log in and create a new course for review.
To request NOI staff action contact
Your course will be submitted as a draft, should the course be approved to proceed, the NOI staff will add some final details and upload to You will be able to make minor changes to the course once live but for any major changes please contact
The new site is built in WordPress which is reflected in the login address:
If required, you can reset your password from this screen.
Once you are logged in, using the menu on the left hand side (white text on black background) click Courses, then Add New. You will need to provide some information and then the course is submitted to us for adding some extra info and approving.
- Title = Enter this as Course name, City (eg, Explain Pain, Adelaide)
- Course Template = select which course you are running from the drop-down list
- Language = change to the language the main instructor will be presenting in
- Externally Hosted Course = select YES
- Other contact email = attendee course enquiries will be sent to your email address and also the instructor. If you need a third user notified you can enter their address here.
- Related Products = leave blank
- Survey Link = leave blank (this is for the NOI survey)
- Time and Date = you can enter start and finish dates and times
- Location = start typing the City (it will show up if used before) then country and state is enough information
- Instructors = select from drop down
Please contact us if you need further instructions or clarification.
Many thanks – The NOI team