Theratube is great stuff, it comes in many colours and strengths and there are many uses when it comes to a bit of graded exercise. But it is also useful to help explain problems in peripheral nerves linked to changes in sensitivity and movement. Theratube can be used in a powerful, multimedia demonstration that can take the mostly hidden peripheral nerves and make them real for patients. Here’s a quick video with some key ideas and a demonstration for the upper limb.
Mobilisation of the Nervous System is our longest running course. We’ve been teaching it around the world for over 30 years and we estimate that about 30,000 people have taken the course. The course is updated all the time as new research, including work undertaken by some of the instructors running the course, refines our knowledge and techniques. This year we are rolling out a new name, to reflect what it is that we are mobilising – Mobilisation of the Neuroimmune System, starting with courses in Adelaide and Sydney with David Butler and Michel Coppieters.
The name change reflects the fact that we can no longer consider peripheral nerves as isolated wires or tubes with mechanical properties – we need to take a more integrated approach, understanding that mobilising* this system will have local and distal effects- on neighbouring tissues, neuroimmune compounds and brain representations of the body to name just a few. Equally, a broader, neuroimmune approach helps us to understand that what we feel, and what the patient offers back, when handling their nervous system is not caused solely by local restrictions or issues. Finally, the segmental, and arbitrary peripheral/central divide falls away in the face of a modern, neuroimmune understanding of the nervous system.
Check out our courses page to find a Mobilisation of the Nervous System, or Mobilisation of the Neuroimmune System course in your neck of the woods.
*Mobilise – verb; to prepare, to awake, to move. To excite quiescent material to physiologic activity.
I have been a part of NOI courses since 2007, in one way or another, or another. The thing that I appreciate most regarding NOI courses is the ever changing/updating of content to best reflect advances in the science behind the materials we are handling. I will look forward to the unveiling of MONIS(?). Well done!