At first we tried to keep it a secret, but there was one amongst us, who shall not be named (his initials are DSB), who just couldn’t help dropping subtle hints at courses like “we’re working on a new book, Lorimer and I reckon it might be pretty good… it’ll be out in a few weeks”. The reason for trying to keep it a secret was that we all knew it wouldn’t be a few weeks – the countless hours that the authors and entire production team have devoted to this new book attest to that.
The good news now is, the wait is nearly over – The Explain Pain Handbook: Protectometer will be shipping in January 2015. The even better news is, The Explain Pain Handbook: Protectometer is available for pre-order now.
The Explain Pain Handbook: Protectometer is a book for people experiencing pain. It’s theirs to own, to write in, and to explore their unique and personal pain story. There’s stunning new artwork commissioned for the book, which has been developed using the latest evidence for multimedia instruction and conceptual change science, to engage the reader and enhance the learning experience. Here’s just a taste of what’s to come:
The centrepiece of the Handbook – The Protectometer – is an interactive device that will allow people in pain, and their therapists, to gain a deeper understanding of their experience and establish an individualised treatment, and education, plan. Here are a couple of blokes using a prototype Protectometer:

We haven’t been this excited about a new product in a long time. The Handbook, representing collective decades of research, clinical experience, and a huge amount of hard work, will take Explaining Pain to a new level. We’re also currently working on new Apps and a brand new website at that will be like nothing else currently out there.
Together, the Handbook, the Protectometer, the new Apps and website, and existing Explain Pain, brain training and neurodynamics products will form the most modern, and comprehensive, pain education and treatment package available today.
Pre-order now and be sure to check in at regularly as things get exciting.
-Tim Cocks
Thanks Tim,
I have written a few books over the last few decades but this short, interactive, patient directed book has consumed more time, more wordsmithing and more rewrites than anything we have done. A thesis seems easy to write in comparison. It has made us realise the value of every word and phrase and to value evidence based multimedia.
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