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NTSC Version, Region 0, Approx 110 mins running time, English with video subtitles in Spanish and Portuguese*
David Butler presents the definitive manual of neurodynamic techniques for everyday use in the clinic. This book and accompanying DVD provides clear instructions on the assessment and treatment of physical health and sensitivity issues related to peripheral and central nervous system based pain presentations. Active and passive assessment and treatment strategies for all peripheral nerves, the spinal cord and meninges are demonstrated.
This DVD and handbook is best used in conjunction with David Butler’s ‘The Sensitive Nervous System’.
DVD and handbook are not to be sold separately.
Neurodynamic Resources
Video NOI Neurodynamics – YouTube
Blogs Related neurodynamics posts on noijam
* NTSC is the standard broadcast format in the United States, while PAL is the standard broadcast format in Europe, Australia, and parts of Asia.
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